Senate President Says “Tax Conformity the Seed Corn of Our Economic Future”

“This tax conformity package is the seed corn of our economic future; the seeds we plant now will greatly benefit us in the long run-not just the short term. Members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, recognized that when they approved tax reductions late last year.

It would be irresponsible for us to not conform to the federal  ‘Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act.’

“Republicans on the Maine’s Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee took the economically responsible course of action in approving the tax conformity package today.

“In addition to preventing $38 million in increased tax liability, this legislation sends the right message to Maine’s small businesses, teachers, and to all taxpayers: We do not intend to increase your tax liability in the future and we won’t make it more difficult to live and work in Maine.

“The one-year solution supported by Democrats may be politically expedient, but it sends the wrong message to the very people we desperately need to make investments in our state.”